N2C Carbon Credit Block Chain

Carbon Prices Today

Mandatory Compliance Market Carbon Pricing
European Carbon Credit Market
EU ETS – is the European carbon credit contract which is exchange traded. It is a Futures contract for the purposes of trading and delivering EUAs (European Union Allowance – the official name for the region’s emission allowances). One EUA allows the holder to emit one ton of CO2 or C02 equivalent greenhouse gas.
Voluntary Market Carbon Pricing
Nature Based Carbon Offset
N-GEO futures contracts are comprised of Nature-Based offsets projects from the Verra registry – projects that fall under the Agriculture, Forestry, or Other Land Use (AFOLU) categories. Nature-based solutions can provide valuable contributions to biodiversity, but it’s also often considered more difficult to accurately verify the amount of carbon actually offset in nature-based projects.
Aviation Industry Carbon Offset
GEO’s futures contracts follow the International Civil Aviation Organization’s CORSIA standard. These carbon offsets from three major registries – Verra, the American Carbon Registry, and the Climate Action Reserve. Because it is based on high-quality carbon credits that adhere to the international aviation industry standard for emissions offsetting. They are sometimes referred to as “Aviation Industry Carbon Offsets”.
Tech Industry Carbon Offset
C-GEO futures contracts are comprised of tech-based, non-AFOLU offset projects from the Verra registry that align with the CCPs. The C stands for “Core” or the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets’ Core Carbon Principles (CCPs). The CCP is an emerging set of transparent and consistent standards around the supply of carbon credits overseen by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Markets. This is a tech based carbon futures contract.

Carbon types