N2C Carbon Credit Block Chain

Our Mission
"Recording the history of civilization of human beings' efforts to reduce carbon emissions on the earth" (N2C will establish a blockchain with data value)
Dating back to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992, and since the Kyoto Protocol, mankind has been alert to the deterioration of the global greenhouse effect. It began after the industrial revolution in pursuit of economic growth and material improvement in life. During the course of civilization, humans have emitted a large amount of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases that have accumulated in the atmosphere, gradually causing the earth to start to have a fever.
In order to effectively suppress the unrestricted emission of greenhouse gases, people have used commercial methods to convert carbon dioxide into valuable carbon rights trading methods, subject them to quantitative control, and also created a global market for the carbon rights economy. Carbon reduction has become a universal value. Countries around the world have reached consensus on carbon peak requirements and even carbon neutrality by 2050. In the past two years, they have legislated to regulate various industries and set carbon emission requirements, which has greatly affected the economic and trade transactions of international enterprises. It must also comply with the country’s industrial carbon tax. We started exploring the benefits of carbon rights last year. The carbon rights economy has become an extremely huge trend, and it will only expand and grow year by year in the next 30 years starting from now. How to grasp the economic dividends brought by carbon rights trading? How to use effective tools to make use of the economic benefits brought by carbon rights, so that people can not only participate in their value, but also pay attention to the earth they live in!
Our mission is not only to achieve the last mile of carbon rights footprint record. It also records the history of human civilization’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions on the earth!
"N2C decentralized carbon rights blockchain platform" has a complete set of business model operations, and the uniqueness of the blockchain's immutability, openness, transparency, and security of carbon rights transaction records, allowing carbon sinks to be controlled from the source. From the beginning, carbon rights trading, to the final carbon offset, all recording processes are trustworthy, avoiding artificial black box operations. Open and transparent carbon rights offset records allow for immediate inspection of notarization reports between countries, reducing the additional costs of notarization reports for companies due to carbon inventory offset certifications.
And in this carbon economy trend market that has lasted for at least 30 years, through blockchain technology, the market has followed this trend and become a carbon encryption indicator brand for carbon rights trading. The goal is to win the status of the largest brand in carbon rights blockchain trading, serve companies around the world that need carbon rights offset transactions, make it easier to complete carbon rights management and operations, and reduce corporate carbon costs. It also creates rights opportunities for investors to participate in carbon rights investment transactions through the platform.
Advantages and features
The "N2C decentralized carbon rights blockchain platform" constructs a transaction mechanism that can operate on the global supply and demand side, and is established as a service collaboration end to assist the operation of the carbon rights economy in completing the last mile.
Following irreversible international trends and the market is in its infancy, we provide innovative and huge market value:
A. Faced with the current situation in which countries formulate territorially based carbon sink category offset and neutralization specifications with different conditions, we provide a complete solution through the filtering conditions of carbon rights smart contracts. B. Increase the depth of investment circulation in the carbon rights market and create a buying and selling market for carbon rights investments. C. Open and transparent, decentralized transaction records are secure and cannot be tampered with, allowing companies to have credibility and verifiability in their carbon asset offset and neutralization records. D. The carbon inventory and offset notarization report is flattened, a credible third-party carbon offset verification report is issued immediately, and the international trade carbon tax liability can be directly queried on the chain. E. The use of blockchain-based carbon encryption commodity operations can reduce the cost of corporate carbon rights management. F. Provide various carbon sink trading platforms or organize block private chains to conduct private chain operations for carbon rights history management.